Even the knowledge of my own fallibility cannot keep me from making mistakes. Only when I fall do I get up again

Monday, November 21, 2011


""A minute ago I could see them up close
and feel the breaths full of life
My heart always told me they were here,
that I could always reach out to them whenever I wished
An inner demon questioned if all of it was an illusion
but I ridiculed the inner voice and its insecurity
and continued to revel in the mirth around me
until the voice grew too strong to ignore
A tinge of a fear grew inside me
and I thought to myself
"Ah, how simple.
Let me just prove the truth to myself
and drive the fear away forever".
I sought to touch them and stretched my hand
but they seemed to drift away as clouds of mist driven by a gust of wind
I was calling out to them
My voice died away in the haziness surrounding me
I could see the whole world slip away from my sight
and they disappeared with all the rest
But It couldn't be true, it was impossible
I groped and ran and shouted
to the emptiness that now surrounded me
I fell and shrieked
and awoke from the dream
only to live another day before facing them again"

"Sometimes things don't go as we may expect them to but life is kind enough to move on. We may wonder while walking on our split-off tracks what it was that was unrealistic in our expectations and never really figure out a concrete answer. But life still goes on, showing us new things and gradually taking our mind off the old ones."


Shreya said...

Magic of life is to live in unresolved questions. :)

Prashant Pillai said...

yepp..quite true..the greater we try to find answers to life,the more questions we unearth.
The only thing we can really command is ourselves.So the only means to live life is to revel in oneself! :)