Even the knowledge of my own fallibility cannot keep me from making mistakes. Only when I fall do I get up again

Sunday, April 10, 2011

A Beautiful Mind!

A new phase of life,
Was trying to fend off the lean period,
A breeze of air brushed me,
a carefree; pure ; a beautiful mind!
The never-before cupid had struck me..

Next chapter in my life, I am so happy.. :)
new people around,dunno why people staring at me(aah so naive...)!
new friends,things to learn,its so good...
Yee..my family,my friends,life full of myself...am going so great..:)

There is this strange pull,it feels so good!
Am confused to fall but I feel am already fallen into it.....
Its another new chapter, and I am so happy...:)<...:)..>
Its all so good and makes me happy!!
That touch,that smile,those talks so heavenly...
I was missing something,I have found love for sure.... :) <..:)..>

Its time to realize,this isn't mine
I have to live with it,I want to 
snatch it away but its beyond me...am sad.. :( <..:(..>
well holding on so distant so far!

Still holding on,its too subtle a bond..
there are fights,arguments and blames
which were previously shielded in a sheath of love!
but something just doesn't give away!
I hold on to its crumbling threads!

A new hand,a new voice,it feels so good!!..:)..

Its hard to hold on,break these threads and apart it goes...

I am happy,I wish to grasp it all
But again its not worth it all! .. why..:(...
there are voices and screams   
why the hell doesn't it go away , I detest it,please go away!
(its a new world in my eyes!)
I want this dream but I can't...am sad .. :(!
Unawares I cry,I break..its gone..it was never mine!!
I try to live it out but things come to choke me more.
I scream,I cry ..I call out...

I mend my views,my opinions..
I have that hand,that voice and am happy!! :)<...why??...>
still there are screams,the voice... I detest it.. I don't need it anymore...  :( < a simple mind fighting  with desire to get love and avoid love> 
But its fine,i have to move on...am sad!! :(  <..:(...why??..>

I still try to grasp,its a bond too beautiful to just let go away  !
I still wish to hold on and be there,with a different view....and I cry and scream!
But no answers and I can just ask:
Why me...O Beautiful mind,Why me!! 

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