Even the knowledge of my own fallibility cannot keep me from making mistakes. Only when I fall do I get up again

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Its so unbeleivable the way life humbles you and make you realise the grave realities of life and brings one closer to oneself,,
I can remember the days when I could just say "I give a damn" and move on so easily and uncaringly to any body and anything.Now is a phase when I am humbled ;to people around me,to my outlook,to my control of myself,anger etc..all seems to be in a slow state when I am slowly flowing inside me..the grave reality to fathom is its me and me; my destination and further looks so unfathomable,,Life is the biggest teacher,,

"And what can life be worth if the first rehearsal for life is life itself?" - Milan Kundera

Monday, November 21, 2011


""A minute ago I could see them up close
and feel the breaths full of life
My heart always told me they were here,
that I could always reach out to them whenever I wished
An inner demon questioned if all of it was an illusion
but I ridiculed the inner voice and its insecurity
and continued to revel in the mirth around me
until the voice grew too strong to ignore
A tinge of a fear grew inside me
and I thought to myself
"Ah, how simple.
Let me just prove the truth to myself
and drive the fear away forever".
I sought to touch them and stretched my hand
but they seemed to drift away as clouds of mist driven by a gust of wind
I was calling out to them
My voice died away in the haziness surrounding me
I could see the whole world slip away from my sight
and they disappeared with all the rest
But It couldn't be true, it was impossible
I groped and ran and shouted
to the emptiness that now surrounded me
I fell and shrieked
and awoke from the dream
only to live another day before facing them again"

"Sometimes things don't go as we may expect them to but life is kind enough to move on. We may wonder while walking on our split-off tracks what it was that was unrealistic in our expectations and never really figure out a concrete answer. But life still goes on, showing us new things and gradually taking our mind off the old ones."

Thursday, September 29, 2011


I sit in the dark
I sit on the blues
I wander into memories
I wander on my intrigues

I ask myself why I am here
I ask myself when I will be through!
I get no answers but
but more and more to rue!

"what have I become?
my sweetest friend
everyone I know
goes away in the end
" -melody

I have millions of thoughts!
broken bashed to the end
I try to repair them
but end up crushing them,into them!

"and you could have it all
my empire of dirt
" -melody

I yearn to be you,with you....... be me!

"if I could start again
a million miles away
I would keep myself
I would find a way
" -melody


Cloud computing is a concept that has been making a lot of noise among the technical people as well as in the general tech savvy community.The reasons vary from the ease and portability it offers both to large companies with varied working places and to the mobility loving generation which so relegiously faithful to procrastination. :)

In general cloud computing provides services ,data storage and access independent of the location and device constraints.The task orientated companies have already been taking advantage of its features.So instead of discussing its impications to them,lets see what its has in store for the general fun loving gadget oriented tech savvy.

Cloud computing offers you the flexibility to store your applications,data.music,movies etc etc into a virtual 'cloud' which is accessable to you through various integrated devices from computers to pads and pods and all mnemonics.How interesting it is to download a music into your laptop and the next day when you are among friends and find the need to show of your music taste,just pluck it from 'your' cloud into your mobile and play it loud.

How it works is that you can create your personal 'Cloud' with access to you and people you want to share with.Now what you need is a cloud supported device like phones,ipod etc and the cloud is there to rain you with all the data you need.Pretty fun when you realise that we are all already into the cloud thing when in social media,we already have our own groups,friends,families etc and we share photos, music and what not.So cloud takes you to a newer level when it makes your social experience device independent.

particularly talking about iCloud,the concept of cloud computing developed by apple,one can integrate all their i series devices' data into the cloud and access them through any of the devices.One particular advantage is data loss prevention,for example,one may be saving some data into one's iphone and there is some failure,the data gets stored into the cloud and you can access through your mac.
Really Steve Jobs is a man of vision and to really beleive this has been in apple pipe line for years..great! :)
looking forward to my own iCloud!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


there is a lull around
voices speak but I am lost
my mind not clear -
confused views and memories-
gasping for a stroke of air
midst smoke and fire..

where is me, my vision, my journey?
that long clear road meeting the horizon!
what am I searching,grabbing running?
why is there a broken spectacle? 

a lull in my head,
a walk to the horizon,
a walk together,
the voices around,
smiling faces, different views,
unbridled mind-
A vibrant ME!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

जिस रह पर चले हम खुद को खोजने
उस रह ने हमें क्यूँ तुमसे मिला दिया

जिस सोच को दिल से लगाया हमने
हर उस सोच ने क्यूँ तुमसे मिला दिया

अब हम करें क्यूँ  शिकवा किसी से
जब तुमने तक़दीर से ही हमें मिटा दिया

ache bache!

अच्‍छे बच्‍चे

कुछ बच्चे बहुत अच्छे होते हैं
वे गेंद और ग़ुब्बारे नहीं मांगते
मिठाई नहीं मांगते ज़िद नहीं करते
और मचलते तो हैं ही नहीं

बड़ों का कहना मानते हैं
वे छोटों का भी कहना मानते हैं
इतने अच्छे होते हैं

इतने अच्छे बच्चों की तलाश में रहते हैं हम
और मिलते ही
उन्हें ले आते हैं घर
तीस रुपये महीने और खाने पर।
--- naresh saxena